We believe in a quality product made from scratch. At Nell and Wood Pies you’ll find the flavors you remember. The flavors you crave.

Kaydee Zambrano has been in and out of professional kitchens since the age of 16. At a very young age Kaydee knew that cooking would be her passion as she cooked along side her family. Inspired by her grandparents Nell and Wood, Kaydee continues to impart family traditions and recipes throughout her kitchen.

With a degree in Hospitality Management from The University of North Texas and having gone from flipping burgers to garde manger to kitchen manager, Kaydee has become well versed in what it takes to make a high quality product that appeals to both the palate and the eye.

Her attention now focused almost exclusively on baked goods and especially pies, Kaydee is truly excited to bring those products to a larger audience.

“Every meal should be a celebration of togetherness and after every good meal, there’s always room for dessert.”

Available Exclusively

Nell and Wood

Fort Worth, Texas